Direct Mail - Not What it Used to Be
The number of companies using direct mail marketing now compared to how it used average of 10 to 15 years is terribly high. More and more understanding of the effectiveness of marketing and on the bandwagon - especially mortgage brokers. Years of novelty to receive an advertisement in your mailbox was such that any direct mail pieces are not only watched, but more thoughtful. Not so anymore. The term? Junk mail "was invented somewhere since then and I am sure that you cast your fair share of unread documents enough to understand why. So what can you do about it as a marketer? How can you ensure you get the biggest bang for your dollar direct mail? Now more than ever, you need to understand how to set up a direct mail piece. More than ever, we must really target your mailing to go to a specific market. And more than ever, be patient and know how to campaign - because it is the key to success. Do not get me wrong ... Direct mail is not dead - and I do not see it dying anytime soon. It is still the quintessential part of the largest campaigns. Because it works.In this article I will teach you a few of these three topics: Designing a direct mail piece Target your specific market CampaigningA Great DesignMany people think that the quality of the graphic design is determined by how it is aesthetically pleasing: While doing a good image of the card is important, this could not be further from the truth. The only real measure of any design, at least commercially, is "How should we draw?". Pull we mean by what type of reaction does it get? T he learned demand, or pull people into the store? In essence, the design is doing what it was intended to do? So there is no scope to come to the conclusion that the merit of a graphic designer is based on the performance of its models. You might be able to assemble the most beautiful announced that the world has ever seen, but if it does not the phone ring, it is not worth the paper it is printed on.You need to make designs that do not only attractive but, more importantly, get the response necessary to make a profit. You want to make sure people see your ad and you want your services. In short, if the ad does not make you some money, it's not a good ad.To BE BEEasy or not. Saying there is a monkey loose in your office and you can not get all the work done. The only solution is to take the little distraction and FedEx them back to the jungle that he came. Question: How do you catch a monkey? You have to enter his head, think like him. You must "BE", the monkey discover what is going to bring him close enough for you to catch him.Every potential customer is like monkeys. They will do what they want unless you can persuade them to listen to you. You have to go into their head, think like them, "BE". A monkey is an animal so you can probably get his attention to banana.Human stereotypical beings on the other are extremely complex. Then you add in the fact that the list is focused and it can get quite a challenge. To help you answer the question of what you need to say in your ad, you have to use three things: Reasoning Experience ResearchTake an entirely different matter to your own industry - sometimes it is better to learn this way. Choose something. Say you have a high-end Italian women's footwear boutique. You want to appeal to women who like that sort of thing. Take charge. What you want him to buy? Remember, it is bombarded with advertising messages every day. What can you really say that it draws? What about "Tired of the Same Wearing Styles as Everyone Else?" Having a graphic presentation that supports the message - show a beautiful pair of shoes, or better yet, a beautiful woman with a great pair of shoes. Now, pretend you are a family man or woman with a household income of the $ 75k with revolving debt of $ 15K and you have two kids! Children can be very expensive. So why do you want to refinance? Find specializes Mailing ListIf there is one thing I can not say enough is that the most important part of your campaign is mailing your mailing list. It is vital that you put the right amount of energy in learning lists - of mail to which - for mailing your efforts are not in vain. There are a few ways you can get an adequately targeted list.As always the first step is to determine who is your target market will be. Say you want to market to homeowners. Well, now, we cut it down to only 291324 people in your area. At a minimum, your mailing must send the same names three times. So, all you have to do is to send postcards to 873972 $ 0185 per piece and you get the point. We need to reduce the reduce some more.So how do you accomplish the narrowing of the list? Many factors can be taken into account, including age, gender, ZIP code, annual salary, occupation and number of children are some of the most frequent qualifiers. It may take some time to determine what your association works for the specific product. Do not worry about political correctness when considering that suits you mail. It is perfectly acceptable to test some lists that can be construed as "stereotypes". Many times these lists will do. But you never know until you test them. Whatever the importance that you have an idea about a certain market, ALWAYS MAKE A SMALL TEST FIRST SHIPMENT! Average test mailings names run around 1000-1500. Once you see an acceptable return on the smallest mailing then you can jump into the greatest number. Test, test, test! The purpose of lists is to target a specific type of customer specific to your type of business. The eventual end result is more customers and improved profitability. And that is what we all want, is it not? Remontante Your Messagecam loincloth N. A series of military operations to achieve a major objective during a war: Grant's Vicksburg campaign guaranteed for the entire Mississippi Union.An the transaction or series of transactions conducted with energy to perform goal: an advertising campaign for a new product: a Campaign.intr.v candidate in political life. Paigned cam, cam paign ment, cam paigns To engage in a planned operation to reach a certain goal campaign through the jungles of Vietnam, campaigned for human rights. [French campaign, the Italian campagna, ground military operation, the late Latin campania, open country, the battlefield, the Latin campus field.] Definition number 2 above is the one that we used. But from the study of the entire definition and derivation (the word origin), you can see how all definitions tie together. Marketing Campaigns are, in summary, a series of measures including advertising repeat mailings that are strategically planned so that there is maximum benefit (more new customers) for your company. Nota Bene (which means "take note" in Latin - and I mean take note): If you do not then you repeat remittances down flushing toilet. Sorry, I know. The truth is sometimes hurts.Why this true? A consignment of a postcard, once barely under way to get the attention of anyone for more than a minute when they see it. Think about it. How many times have you seen the same TV spots over and over? A bullet in the dark sending postcard is not going to change your business, your bottom line, your life or your anything.So, if you are not to face that you have to do a campaign then maybe you do should not be in business. And it may seem rude - it is hard. It is a harsh world. And I want you to succeed in it.There another reason. Credibility. In some cases, people will hold on your postcard for a while. They can take on your postcard for six months. They can even take on your card for a period of three years. But in most cases, they think "Oh, maybe I need one day," then they tidying up as you throw. When you repeat your mailings to those same people and they see your brand, logo, the message time and you become credible to them. Your chances of them just got greater response. Repeat mailings can not be repeated enough.To give you an example, I call it '? Trickle Down Effect ": Say you send postcards 5000. Of that 5000, 150 hang on your postcard.Out than 5000, as the word of the 1st week.Out that 5000, so many call the 2nd week.Out that 5000, so many call this next month . Out 5000, both from the floor and 6 of months.Out as 5000, never the floor ... There is a reduction of inputs of this first shipment, and therefore can give a false impression of what is happening in a single package. Someone sends a postcard and said: "I have only received four replies my shipment!" But there is a whole dynamic is happening is that we continue mailing way after the person who sent Mail expects things to happen. Think about it. Do you jump at every ad you bombarded with you think it's a good idea? If you do, you are either a millionaire or broken. But most likely, you will see advertisements that catches your interest and tell you that you want to check that out one day. Then, you see again and remember that you wanted to check that out one day. And then, you see it again and this time you decide to find out. You want the continued growth and consistent. So what do you do? Look at this scenario: What if You send 5000 5000 5000 next week and that the decrease diagram is underway on each of these outflows.What going? Finally, it will snowball - it's coming in from all different places! You are really putting your communication that still exists in a large way.And yes, it costs a lot of money to do it. (Once you have your list that you use over and over again - only paying only for a time - postage is more than 55% of your costs) So, FIND THE MONEY. If you are going to borrow money to a business, spend that borrowed money on marketing! Start with a list and a list to mail a week, another list for the next week and another list of the following week. Then you can rotate those lists - again. And again. And you ask again.Now - that if you only have one list? You can still rotate one list. And it is always good to put it on a spreadsheet or a blueprint to follow what you are doing and what you have already done.For example: You go to a list of 6000 identities. You can post in 2000, a week, 2000 next week, and in 2000 the third week. Then you turn. There are your three different lists! A campaign mailing and is the same people over and over again. The fact is that you want to reach your prospects with different communication about the same thing or charge with different products with the same look and feel, or both. The rest of what you come.Because building with a marketing campaign is credibility. You build your business through communication. You communicate regularly, as long as people think that you (credibility), and they are going to react, they will come, they will spend. 1744, Benjamin Franklin published and mailed the first direct marketing catalog, which sold scientific and academic books. Direct Mail has come a long way since then, so NOT leave your room to get lost in the mail, so to speak, by highlighting the application of these three bases for the successful commercialization: Be Targeting and RepeatingGood luck!
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