Friday, October 10, 2008

View it Through Their Eyes


How can you give a person what you want if you don?t know what it is that they want?

This doesn?t just apply to the type of items that you sell, but the way in which you try to sell them. Look at catalog printing as a good way of understanding this.

Now, the standard catalog is going to be filled with various different explanations of what a product is. This is the basic way catalogs work because this is how they pretty much have to work. You have a picture of the product along with a description of what the product is.

But these descriptions aren?t just about what the product does or what it is. Really good writing is going to go over the ways this can help improve a person?s life. It will detail the different ways that things will be easier for you if you get this product.

And this is where it becomes particularly important to be able to see through your customer?s eyes. You need to know what kind of troubles they have and what will best suit their needs.

Part of this also has to do with what type of products you use with your catalog printing as well. If you don?t know your audience you won?t be able to even provide them with a type of product they would look. Many large companies have a wide variety of different things that they sell, and they might target multiple markets with them.

This leads to the problem of trying to target the wrong kind of market with the wrong kind of products, leading to trouble and a lack of sales. Because you?re sending these catalogs directly to people you need to be even more sure than with other advertising that you know you?re sending them to the right type of people.

You can only know this if you?ve done all the right kind of research to know exactly what type of things your customers will want.

Instead many companies decide to make assumptions instead. They don?t actually consider their customers at all, and decide they know what people will want, or they can convince people that they need a certain product.

This approach can easily backfire on you if people recoil from being told what to do. I don?t particularly like it myself when it feels as if a company is telling me I should want this product even though I don?t have any interest in buying it.

You need to make sure that you never slip into a mindset like this. It isn?t always intentional either, and can happen by accident quite a bit if you aren?t being careful. The best thing you can do is ask yourself before beginning on your catalog whether or not you know exactly what your customers are looking for. Don?t just assume you know the answer.


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