Thursday, November 13, 2008

Knowing Which Market is the Right One for You


Finding the right market for your company can be a very difficult task.

If you aren?t doing the right amount of research than you?re potentially putting yourself in a position where you try to expand into a market that just isn?t right for your company.

There are a number of reasons why this might be the case. The first is because the market might just be too saturated with other companies, or another large company has managed to largely dominate the marketplace.

In a case like this if people are perfectly fine and happy with the company in control you might be hard pressed to make a name for yourself, and your resources could potentially be wasted if you put too much of a investment into expanding your name into that particular market.

If you want to avoid a fate like this there are two specific things you can do.

The first is obviously research. Whatever market you?re looking at do the most thorough research you can. Find out every major company that is competing for customers and focus on what kind of approaches those companies take to get sales.

Something else to do is focus on doing interviews or talking to the customers in this market as well. Ask them what they like about the various companies and what they would like to see improved upon. If you get a lot of people complaining that the customer service isn?t that great in a lot of these companies you now know what to focus on with your marketing.

Once you have this information gained your next step should be a more tentative move into the market. Custom greeting cards work very well for companies trying to test out the waters in a market.

Get your greeting card printing done and focus on whatever area it is that you think you can improve upon in the market, and mail these custom greeting cards out to as many customers as you can. Keep your message simple and focused on the ways your company can help them.

I would send out a few waves of these greeting cards to see what kinds of responses you get. If you have a lot of enthusiasm in the responses and your business starts to pick up you know you?ve hit on the right message and can start with other advertising like postcards or posters. If you get hardly any responses you might want to try out a different market.

Every time you expand into another market you have to deal with certain risks, but if you keep yourself focused, you can be certain that you don?t have anything to worry about. Avoid the costly mistakes of advertising heavily in a market you aren?t going to succeed in. All it takes is a little research.



Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Five Reasons Why I Think This is an Excellent Copywriting Course!

1. You will learn how to write successful direct mail packages and ads step by step
The way I learned to write direct response letters was slow, almost organic. I picked up a little knowledge at a time as an agency junior. With this course, every step is laid out for you. In fact, it is the first time I have ever seen the process so clearly presented and taught. Yes, I am familiar with the material in this course - but I had never seen it all together in one place, with each element linked to the next.

I often moan about online writers just dashing off a first draft and then uploading it to their site. With direct response writing, that just doesn't happen. Every paragraph, every subhead, every sentence and every word has its role and purpose. It's about detail, about sequence, about pace and flow. And when you do it right, that 'construction' becomes invisible and you just read a great piece of sales writing.

This course takes you through everything, step by step. There are no blank spots, no elements of a successful direct mail piece or direct response ad that are left unexplored or unexplained.

2. And more than just letters
Successful direct mail packages are made up of more than just a letter.
You have the envelope, the order form, the lift note or buck slip and often a brochure. All these elements need writing and designing. They all need to work together, supporting each other. All play a part in delivering the promise, presenting the benefits and overcoming doubt. You need to work with all these pieces to make an offer, provide a premium, deliver a guarantee, and drive a response.

All this is covered in the course.

3. You will learn by example
The course itself includes numerous examples of great copywriting. Whole sections are built around letters and ads that have worked extremely well. I think this is a great way to teach. If you want to be a great copywriter, for more detail visit you need to immerse yourself in the best of what others have written. Enjoy the writing, then deconstruct it to see why it works so well.

In addition, the course box includes a 320-page book that is filled with the best of the best. It is called, "Hall of Fame. Great Selling Ideas from 50 Super-Successful Direct mail Letters and Direct Response Ads". Like direct response writing itself, this course is based on facts and results. This course isn't about opinions and personal whims - it's about what has been proven to work. That's how direct response is. That's how this course is built.

4. You will complete exercises and assignments
This isn't a 'book' about copywriting. There are numerous exercises you are asked to complete and there are assignments you will be asked to write and submit. That may sound a little scary, for more detail visit but it's the only way to learn. You can't learn to be a copywriter by leaning back and just reading about it. You have to lean forward and actually do it. Time and time again.

5. You will learn how to sell yourself and build a business
Can you really build a six-figure income as a copywriter? Sure you can. I did, and some years those six figures are pretty big. And I'm not one of those huge names where you think, "Sure, HE did it, but I bet I couldn't."


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It’s not Always About New Customers

There are two different groups of people you need to focus your marketing on. The first group is the people who have never shopped at your store before.
This is the group that gets the most attention. A company needs to grow in order to stay on top of the marketplace, and growth requires new customers. You?re likely to see these kinds of advertisements all over the place. You can?t turn on a TV without seeing another ad that?s aimed at people who have never shopped at a certain store or used a certain product.
The second group is the people who are already shopping at your store. You need to market to them just as much as you need to focus on new customers, because if you ignore your customer base you aren?t likely to keep them.
Here?s where the real problem comes in though: companies don?t always know how to market to the customers they already have. This requires a much different approach than your new customers.
Why bother to promote your great customer service when they already know it?s great? What mention low prices when they already know how low those prices are? Sure, advertising specials is all well and good for both groups, but you need to do more than just advertise specials.
Newsletter printing is a great solution to this little problem, and acts as one of the most effective ways to advertise to existing customers.
Start up a newsletter for your company that gets sent to all of your customers every month or every quarter, or maybe only every year. It?ll be up to you to pick what will work best for your company in this regard.
Once you have your newsletter set up you need to focus your language on giving your current customers something to take interest in. Talk about upcoming changes in your store. Invite them to write in and offer their opinions about various programs you have and specials you?re doing. Let them have a say in what?s going on with your company.
You?re opening up your arms to them and letting them know that you care about their business and you want to keep them around. Offer special deals to them that are only available through your newsletter.
The great thing about newsletter printing is that the hardest part comes from initially setting it up, but once you?re past that, you can very easily and cheaply maintain it for years down the line. Each time you get a new customer to come into your store and can start sending them your company newsletter, turning them into a loyal customer.
The best marketers know the difference between advertising to a new customer and an existing one. If you want to be able to keep your customer base loyal, you?ll need to know the difference as well.
Philip Sartes is a business and marketing targets consultant and an of various marketing strategies, business advice and models.
For comments, inquiries, and more information about this article, visit


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Emailing Millions in One Click

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