Dental Marketing White Paper: Personalized Direct Mail
Variable, Full Color, Digital PrintingTo develop a marketing approach dental success in this modern hyperactive consumer market, it is imperative for general and specialized dental offices to move beyond a Generic current occupant. Even the custom? Address Label? And / or black and white customization shipments letter to dental patients has its limits. Variable printing digital color has a great potential to achieve internal and external communications objectives of the dental practice of many types, including cosmetics, family, and orthodontic.Dental and orthodontic practices not in a growth mode healthy or who have experienced shrinking in recent months or years of marketing methods require the most advanced. These practices will not be able to compete successfully for the consumer? Beware of the dollar and without adding to their marketing repertoire.Overcoming economic development, insurance or consumer issues, such as denial, procrastination, ignorance and oral requires a higher level of interaction, intensity And of creativity. Variable Digital Printing puts greater emphasis on the recipient. By placing the receiver? In the concept? Rather than a? Appoint? The idea, its effect is astonishing compared to traditional direct mail.CONSUMER EFFECTThe personalization inherent in the variable printing creates a unique connection with the consumer to whom? Current or prospective dental / orthodontic patient:? It completely envelopes consumption dental? Experience? They are an integral part of communication and not just a secondary issue? It has an emotional impact connective not just a visual impact? Their names "within the design" reflects the effect of communication on their return? The effect is much more about them than about you (the dentist or orthodontist) PERSONALIZATION DIAGRAMMEDView Scheme conceptCOST / BENEFIT ANALYSISWhile initial cost should be considered when choosing a marketing concept, it's really the potential outcomes of acquisition. While the decline in commodity prices is ineffective, the initial cost becomes irrelevant. Paying 100 percent more for something that works really good for the buyer more.As much discussed and presented above, variable printing offers the opportunity to place text in the general dentistry and orthodontics marketing piece. This printing technology and its customization capabilities requires a complex and individualized. Offset printing (in thousands of versions of the exact same room) is more beneficial for that reason. While printing costs more variable, it has much more.Offset printing offers savings today? Variable printing offers more patients tomorrow. To acquire and hold the attention of the 21st century dental consumer requires the use of the best available communications repertoire. Variable printing offers a dentist and orthodontist the level of intensity necessary to overcome the marketing din.To avoid the pitfalls of poor dental marketing, the cost put in its place. More importantly, does not perceive this advantage to give away your dental or orthodontic competitors.RESULTS DETAILEDResponse rates have improved dramatically with the customization of the variable digital printing. Dental and orthodontic postcards become pieces rather than piles of paper printed. Offset printing? Thousands of pieces printed without customization? Can not reach this level of response because it is generic and detached part of the recipient.Traditional response rates for black and white, offset printing, and current occupant shipments were .03% to 1% in most industries. Here levels of the improved data, once again, full of color and customization are implemented.? 44% answered by adding Improvement recipient? Name of the printed page (not current occupant) *? 135% Response Improvement adding full color to a piece printed *? 500% Response Improvement adding recipient? Name, color and customize content for the interests of recipient * * Variable Digital Printing Industry ResultsOFFSET COMPARISONOffset impression is often a cost of entry cheaper. This elixir of cheaper initial cost is very powerful. However, a positive response (more patients) is that dentists and orthodontists request. Variable printing postcards or dental needs orthodontic addition to the initial investment, but if the value of a better response is entered into the equation, the cost of entry becomes irrelevant.For example: Dental Practice # 1: 10000 postcards for $ 6000 is fairly typical for the offset printing ** Dental practice # 2: 10000 postcards for $ 8000 is quite common variable printing ** ** These averages include all costs: postage, mailing the two sides in color printing, design, and lead listA rather positive response rate of 0.75% with Offset printing / sending 10000 postcards produce 75 calls. (This response rate takes into account an offset printer / marketing, including placing in color and the recipient's name on the side). However, the variation in the ability to print customization creates the potential for 125 to 150 calls. While this level of response has gone from one estimate, variable printing only has to increase actual figures patient by a little more than repay the initial cost benefit offset printed dental and orthodontic provide postcards. Just a few additional patients would add 7-25 thousand dollars in the future incomeHowever, there is another significant gap in the offset printing and printing variable comparison. What if the local dental or orthodontic competition is already a mismatch printed direct mail? The competition will lead to lower response rates variable printing offers the dentist or orthodontist an obvious advantage in this competitive environment.CONCLUSIONDental or orthodontic direct mail marketing is always evolving. Orthodontists and dentists need to continue to innovate, not just to stay ahead of the local competition, but also to effectively engage consumers in this hyper-active environment. Most consumers are not aware of the value of modern dentistry and orthodontics.Breaking through the marketing clutter requires more than what was done yesterday. Various digital printing will not solve all the dental marketing dilemma, but it provides the leg many orthodontia and the Family / cosmetic dental practices can be used to get to the next level.Sincerely, Dick Chwalek - Niche Dental
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